Saturday, December 28, 2019

Italian Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initials

AQ, BOT, ISTAT, and SNAproFIN. VF, CWIB, FALCRI, and RRSSAA. Italian abbreviations and acronyms might make your head spin, but consider the alternative: While on vacation in Italy Antonio rented a car manufactured by the Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino. In his hotel room the channel choices included Radio Audizioni Italiane Uno and Telegiornale 4. Antonio consulted the Italian financial paper Il Sole 24 Ore for the daily Indice azionario della Borsa valori di Milano. While looking out the window, he saw a street rally for the Partito Democratico della Sinistra.Since the airlines lost one of her suitcases, Antonios wife went to Unico Prezzo Italiano di Milano to replace her toothbrush. She also wrote a postcard to her friend Regina in Sicily that required a Codice di Avviamento Postale in the address. Later on that day Sabrina went to the local Azienda di Promozione Turistica office for information on museums. At the end of their trip Antonio and Sabrina filled out an Imposta sul Valore Aggiunto refund claim form in order to receive a refund of taxes spent on certain goods. Now consider the same passage using Italian abbreviations and acronyms: While on vacation in Italy Antonio rented a FIAT. In his hotel room the channel choices included RAI Uno and Tg4. Antonio consulted the Italian financial paper Il Sole 24 Ore for the daily MIB. While looking out the window, he saw a street rally for the PDS.Since the airlines lost one of her suitcases, Antonios wife went to UPIM to replace her toothbrush. She also wrote a postcard to her friend Regina in Sicily that required a C.A.P. in the address. Later on that day Sabrina went to the local APT office for information on museums. At the end of their trip Antonio and Sabrina filled out an IVA refund claim form in order to receive a refund of taxes spent on certain goods. Stirring the Soup It might seem like a zuppa di alfabeto, but as the examples show, youd have to be pazzo to write or speak the complete phrase or term instead of substituting the appropriate Italian abbreviation or acronym. Known as acronimi (acronyms), abbreviazioni (abbreviations) or sigle (initials), Italian abbreviations and acronyms are formed by joining the initial letters or syllables of companies, organizations, and societies, as well as other terms, to form a new word. Some of them even evoke the topic they stand for. For example, in Italian, the word luce can mean light, brightness, sunlight, all possible references to the movies. LUCE is also the Italian acronym for LUnione Cinematografico Educativa, the national cinema educational organization. Tasting the Minestra Wondering what spices to add to the zuppa di alfabeto? In general, Italian abbreviations and acronyms are usually pronounced or read as if they were words rather than spelled out, with the exception of two-letter combinations, which are regularly spelled out. Acronyms such as PIL (Prodotto Interno Lordo), D.O.C. (Denominzaione dOrigine Controllata) and STANDA (Società   Tutti Articoli Nazionale DellArredamento [Abbigliamento]), are pronounced as if they were Italian words. Other abbreviated forms, such as PSDI (Partito Socialista Democratico Italiano) and PP.TT. (Poste e Telegrafi) are pronounced letter for letter. Listen to native Italian speakers, especially public speakers, to determine the correct form. In any event, dont forget how to pronounce Italian vowels or how to pronounce Italian consonants, since the letters and syllables are still pronounced using the Italian alphabet.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Policing The Potty, The Dark Veil Of Protection - 883 Words

Policing the Potty Legal discrimination is alive and well in the United States. All over the country, groups of people are being forced into situations that are converse to the very nature of their being, subject to extreme violence and hatred. The very narrow minded view of how the country sees sex and gender, as exhibited by the media, is causing immense harm to many American citizens, as the idea of a binary gender system and long-standing sexist views has contributed to the segregation of bathrooms under the thin veil of protection. Bathroom facilities should no longer be segregated by gender to prevent transgender-based discrimination, therefore decreasing the prominence of depression associated with transgender people because a binary view of gender is flawed. Western society has commonly viewed gender in a binary way: male and female. However, the emergence of transgender people in the media has challenged this core idea, publicizing the fact that gender is merely a social construct. Cultures all around the world recognize the existence of a third, fourth, or even fifth gender. For example, some Native American tribes recognized people of a third gender, believing they had the spirit of both a man and a woman. These â€Å"two-spirit people† were believed to more easily navigate between the feminine and masculine world. When Europeans discovered the existence of the Native Americans, they called the two spirit people â€Å"berdaches,† a word that means male prostitute, and

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Implementation Of An Electronic Health Record System - Samples

Question: Discuss about the Implementation Of An Electronic Health Record System. Answer: Problem Statement The project is based on the study of the implementation of an electronic health record system that would involve the use of survey data for forming the effective data analysis. The development of technology had helped in increasing the growth of the effective and improved medical treatments (Oza et al., 2017). However the increase in the number of data and information regarding health treatment had made it evitable for using an integrated data management system. The problems of using the old manual records for patients treatments are, Issue in Access of Medical Records: Most of the times, it becomes impossible for listing the development of the effective communication in the operation of the effective and improved transfer of information. The records kept at varied source had resulted in forming the problem for developing the transfer of the records (Ehrlich et al., 2016). The successive transfer of information was not possible and the alignment of the operations was not deployed for being accessed easily. For example: the treatment of patients might require a number of records such as his/her sugar reports, blood pressure report, previous medication, and post medication history. Degradation in Quality of Records: The records kept separately would have the facility for implementing the effective and improved records for the operations of the system development (Andrus et al., 2015). The increase in the volume of the activities had been helpful for listing the development of the improved activities for the patients data management. The formation of the operations had resulted in listing the modification of the activities of the operation. The information storage would have to face the issues of data replication and duplication, information errors, and cross data errors. Hence, the report made for the implementation of the electronic database is helpful for listing the modification of the operations for the treatment of the patients. The study of the effective data management process for the health records is the primary concern for the project team members. Objectives of the project The project study of Implementation of Electronic Health Record or EHR System for Hospital is deployed for ensuring that an integrated data management is implied for the hospital. The medical records kept and stored would allow the formation of the profound system connection in the treatment facility of the patients. The EHR system allows the formation of the effective and improved operational development (Holden et al., 2015). The alignment of the effective operations had provided the scope for the deployment of the improved system modification. The objectives of the project are, To form the study of Electronic Health Record or EHR System that would be helpful for aligning the effective and improved data management for the patients To increase the accessibility of the records so that the doctors and staffs can access the required information for the patients treatment To integrate the records and information on a single database so that effective treatment facilities can be implied To form the generation of the operations for listing the alignment of the successive and proactive treatment facilitation for the patients To overcome the issues in accessing the medical data records and degrading quality of the information due to data redundancy and duplication References Andrus, M. R., Forrester, J. B., Germain, K. E., Eiland, L. S. (2015). Accuracy of pharmacy benefit manager medication formularies in an electronic health record system and the Epocrates mobile application.Journal of managed care specialty pharmacy,21(4), 281-286. Ehrlich, J. R., Michelotti, M., Blachley, T. S., Zheng, K., Couper, M. P., Greenberg, G. M., ... Weizer, J. S. (2016). A Two-Year Longitudinal Assessment of Ophthalmologists Perceptions after Implementing an Electronic Health Record System.Applied clinical informatics,7(04), 930-945. Holden, C., Thiamwong, L., Martin, D., Mathieson, K. M., Nehrenz, G. M. (2015). The Electronic Health Record System and Hospital Length of Stay in Patients Admitted with Hip Fracture.American Research Journal of Nursing, 1 (2),5. Oza, S., Jazayeri, D., Teich, J. M., Ball, E., Nankubuge, P. A., Rwebembera, J., ... Walton, D. (2017). Development and Deployment of the OpenMRS-Ebola Electronic Health Record System for an Ebola Treatment Center in Sierra Leone.Journal of medical Internet research,19(8).